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Indigenous Identity:
Of What are Art and Life Made?
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by Edward K. Brown II

What is endearing, those perceptions that stimulate action even when the emotions expressed are repressed initially, is what art and life are made. Those perceptions typed, familiarized by emotions, are what is considered to be enduring. Perceptions, visions/views of behavior being, are the tethers of implicitly ingrained moments strung together from birth to the present time and space, to the poesy found in the environment.

Moments are expressions facilitated by terms of endearment, the behaviorisms-the visceral composed from a previous knowledge (preknowledge) absorbed through native relations: conditions osmosed effortlessly through experience, with effort through concept. Preknowledge is an entanglement within the idiomatic, an inscription of expressions which are given to a state of being.

Preknowledge is the involvement of instinct, of the subconscious, of nativism: the routine of self-perception and the desire for perspective within the environment, a viscerality from which indigenous identity is fostered, from which indigenous identity grows into a heritage.

The growth of indigenous identity into a heritage is an act of cognitivity: examples from an instinctual preoccupation with moments found in poesy of the environment (i.e. expressionism) shift to an intellectual preoccupation with events founded in the operating systems within a territory (i.e. impressionism). Events are impressions facilitated by terms of endearment. Untangled purposefully is the idiomatic.

The idiomatic is mechanized into a lingua franca, thus making life a thesis, a state of becoming, an impression standardizing continuity into a recognizable place (consciousness), the cerebral providing stasis during times when a "nebulous" space (subconsciousness) encroaches. The subconscious "strands" are combed out; experiences and concepts are made chronological; preknowledge is forsaken.

By extension, by eschewing preknowledge, the growth of indigenous identity into a heritage consists of a working knowledge, a modular operating system, nurtured through manifestations: culture guised formally as history, informally as ideals.

Attention is paid less to desire (for perspective) and routine (self-perception), but is instead given to (perspective) motives and (perceptive) manners. Endearments are serialized into an ego, to that which is guided by a mechanism: a status that extends into a heritage-a rite of passage; a consistent path from which a moment (environment) metamorphoses into an event (territory).

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Copyright © by Edward K. Brown II
P.O. Box 2160
Philadelphia, PA 19103


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